This category is associated with changes in competitiveness resulting from the application of industrial technology, IT, innovation management, protecting and/or managing intellectual property as well as the impact of investment projects involving productivity and technology quality, or changes in the quality and efficiency of IT infrastructure affecting business units, support functions and infrastructure.
(Parent Entity)
Risk of failure to adhere to the efficient working time parameter and of failure to fully utilise the capacity of metallurgical installations to process own concentrate.
Value chain
This category is associated with changes in the operational efficiency of logistics and warehousing in the production process and in providing services, in managing sales, in managing waste and restoration as well as being correlated with the process of managing the supply chain, the availability of utilities and materials in the production process, changes in the evaluation and management of mineral deposit resources, or the advancement of research and exploration projects.
(KGHM Group)
Risk related to an ineffective process of monitoring and providing early warning to management staff on deviations from the budget and financial plans as well as with respect to adopting inappropriate economic parameters related to production, investments, macroeconomics and finance, for forecasts of company results.
Risk related to the precision of estimated costs of decommissioning certain mines.
Risk related to the exhaustion of deposits and/or the insufficient recognition of their parameters and characteristics, both in exploration projects (estimation of input data for deposit evaluation models) as well as in current operations.
(Parent Entity)
Risk of the inability to store mine tailings or restrictions thereof.
(KGHM Group)
Risk related to the lack of availability of required energy sources.
(KGHM Group)
Risk related to infrastructure breakdowns which disrupt the core production operations, related to natural hazards as well as internal factors related to the applied technology.
(KGHM Group)
Risk related to the cost efficiency of the production process, mining projects, processing of copper-bearing materials, reflecting the risk of a substantial rise in prices of materials, services, electricity, gas and water and restoration costs.
(KGHM Group)
The risk of interruptions to the continuity of sales and services (including due to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or the war in Ukraine)
This category is associated with changes in the value of assets, the level of liabilities or profit and loss resulting in a change in the sensitivity to exchange rates, currencies, liquidity, inflation rates, customer insolvency, commodities prices, energy and property rights. This category also involves changes in the impact of demand and supply on the products of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group, the selection of appropriate tools to advance the marketing strategy, changes in expected rates of return on equity investments or the efficiency of transferring risk to the insurer.
(KGHM Group)
Market risk related to volatility in metals prices and risk of changes in exchange rates and interest rates.
(KGHM Group)
Credit risk related to trade receivables.
(KGHM Group)
Liquidity risk.
External risk
This category is associated with the conditions involved in conducting activities resulting from changes in economic conditions, changes in laws and regulations (compliance), political decisions, changes in the natural environment or climate (transitional risk) as well as catastrophic natural events and force majeure. This category also comprises changes in market share or margins due to changes in the competitive environment or substitutes, the risk of the result of decisions in the courts or arbitration proceedings, the risk of unfavourable administrative decisions, changes in obligations, the designation of tax liabilities or their payment deadlines.
(KGHM Group)
Risk of restrictions to production due to seismic tremors and associated roof collapses or destressings of the rock mass, and the occurrence of uncontrolled rock bursts.
(Parent Entity)
Risk of restrictions to production or to the advancement of development work due to geodynamic gas-related events and the occurrence of naturally-occurring gases.
(Parent Entity)
Risk of production restrictions due to unfavourable climatic conditions in the mines.
(Parent Entity)
Risk of loss of mine functionality due to underground water hazards.
(KGHM Group)
Risk of exceeding the permissible emissions limits set forth in permits.
(Parent Entity)
Risk of restrictions to the ability to sell sulphuric acid (due to loss of market/customers and/or a drop in demand as well as due to the war in Ukraine).
(KGHM Group)
Risk related to interruptions in the supply of strategic materials and components affecting the continuity of production by the Core Business (including due to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or the war in Ukraine)
(KGHM Group)
Risk of failure to adhere to established principles and standards of behaviour with respect to counteracting corruption, business ethics and with respect to the procurement processes as well as the risk of incurring losses from actions which are harmful to KGHM.
(KGHM Group)
Risk of loss of compliance with requirements (general laws in force, internal corporate regulations and voluntarily-adopted legal obligations and standards).
Internal risk
This category is associated with changes in an entity’s activities affected by changes in its structure, organisation, procedures, processes or business model, as well as the risk of changes in corporate image, its products or services, the effectiveness of principles of proceedings related with ethics and anticorruption, a company’s interests, or efforts to ensure against loss of trust, and the integrity, availability and authenticity of informational assets.
(KGHM Group)
The risk of serious accidents or industrial illnesses caused by improper work organisation, the failure to follow procedures or the use of improper protective measures.
(KGHM Group)
The risk of lack of acceptance by the public, local governments or other stakeholders for the conduct of development and exploration work.
(KGHM Group)
The risk of not being able to secure appropriate staff to advance the Group’s business goals (including the lack of sufficient human resources to maintain the continuity of the Core Business operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
(KGHM Group)
Risk that the confidentiality, integrity or availability of informational assets which have been collected, stored or processed on IT resources may be compromised, as well as cybernetic threats.
The risk of exceeding project/program budgets and schedules, deviating from defined scopes and failing to meet defined quality parameters as a result of the improper management of portfolios and projects. Risk related to the operational management and development of strategic projects, reflecting the question of incurred costs, permits and infrastructural requirements.
This category is associated with climate-related risk (climate risk) and its impact on the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group’s business activities, comprising physical risk (violent and chronic) and temporary risk (regulatory, reputational, market and technological).
(KGHM Group)
Climate risk related to the negative impact of climate change on the activities of the KGHM Group.
(KGHM Group)
Climate risk related to the transition to a low-emissions economy and resistance to climate change.