The Code of Conduct is a powerfully practical document. Its purpose is to be a guide and support for the employees, showing where to look for answers and who to approach if in doubt about decisions taken in everyday situations. The Code of Conduct provides an easy to understand presentation of the Company’s values for all employees, regardless of their position.
Code of Conduct

In keeping with current business practice, including in the mineral resource industry, our business partners, suppliers, customers and Stakeholders expect companies to have clearly declared ethical regulations.
In 2018, the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. adopted the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Code of Conduct. By doing this, the Company declared its commitment to sustainable development and respect for principles of ethics and transparency and best industry practices of socially and environmentally responsible enterprises relying on the KGHM Group Code of Ethics. Both documents regulate standards of conduct observed by the Company. The Codes are an integral, mutually interconnected whole, based on consistent assumptions and values followed by the Company.
The idea of adopting and pursuing the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics was presented in 2018 and is continuously repeated to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. employees via the company’s internal portal (Intranet: “KGHM to My” at The Codes are distributed in the printed version during training sessions held by the Ethics and Anticorruption Representatives in all Divisions and Companies of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group. The Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics are published for the general audience on, in the Investors/Corporate Governance/Code of Ethics and ESG Code of Conduct tab: