In order to comply with the key anticorruption rules in the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group and in the companies of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group located in Poland and abroad, in 2020, the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. adopted a resolution to implement the Anticorruption Management System in the Divisions and Head Office of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and in the Subsidiaries in accordance with the PN-ISO 37001:2017 standard. In connection with the implementation of the ISO 37001:2017 standard, in 2021 the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group adopted the new Anticorruption Policy. The implementation team prepared, including updating of the existing and development of new anticorruption regulations consistent with the requirements of the standard.
The basis for the Anticorruption Management System is Corruption Risk Management, which is based on identification and assessment of corruption risks in individual processes pursued by Group entities. The accepted procedures regulate the corruption risk management process in the Group, which includes management of corruption risk related to Supervised Organisations and Business Partners. They define detailed standards of handling corruption activities, including conflict of interest, giving and accepting business gifts, contacts with public officials or events that may constitute corrupt offers. They also define the liability for violating the Anticorruption Policy and anticorruption regulations.
Substantive procedures of the anticorruption management system
The aim of the procedure is to ensure that the performance of all the business processes in the KGHM Group complies with the adopted Anticorruption Policy and to ensure that Corruption Risk Management is a continuous process which guarantees an adequate level of monitoring and improvement of the efficacy of the adopted and applied means of supervision. The Procedure defines the framework for Corruption Risk Management. In 2022, the procedure was amended as its scope was extended to include the rules of due diligence of candidates and personnel in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
The aim of the procedure is to ensure compliance of activities and processes performed by persons working for or on behalf of entities from the KGHM Group with the adopted Anticorruption Policy. The regulations are applicable to all employees and representatives of the entities from the KGHM Group.
The aim of the procedure is to ensure that within the Corruption Risk Management with reference to obtained risk assessment results, means of supervision will be applied to give an effective response to threats facing the Supervised Organisations and Business Partners.
The procedure defines how to ensure performance of the Anticorruption Policy in the Supervised Organisations and which regulations must be implemented and applied by these organisations. It also defines Rules of Risk Management connected with Business Partners.
Significant elements of the procedure include:
The AMS is implemented in an integrated manner, in connection with which the system documentation of the Integrated Management System has been also updated. The system is monitored and improved by a team established for this purpose in 2022 and chaired by the Representative of the Management Board for the Integrated Management System.
Business gifts
Employees are prohibited from offering or accepting any material benefits in relation to the performance of professional duties. The only exception is giving and accepting business gifts in line with the local norms and cultural customs, provided that the giving and accepting of gifts cannot lead to a situation in which such behaviour could be considered as an attempt to exert pressure or persuade the recipient to act against their duties. Detailed rules pertaining to giving and accepting customary business gifts have been defined in the Procedure of Handling Actions of Corruptive Nature.
Conflicts of interest

Reviewing of business partners
Business transactions in the procurement, sales and investment processes, including an option of a third party audit, in order to ensure that such transactions meet the highest standards of ethical and transparent business operations are subject to special control (due diligence of business partners). The reviewing of business partners, including in terms of corruption risk and possible conflicts of interest, is conducted in accordance with the “Procedure of review in procurement, sales and investment proceedings” implemented in 2019 and pursued by the Security Department at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. An amendment to the aforementioned procedure was developed in 2022, which was positively reviewed by the KGHM Group Council. Introduction of the amendment by Management Board decision is scheduled in the first quarter of 2023.
Education and communication activities
Every year, educational and information campaigns and competitions are organized, and publications are prepared for employees concerning ethics and corruption prevention.
Since 2018, regular security and loss prevention training has been organized, including the topics of corruption prevention and conflicts of interest, for employees of all KGHM entities. The training covers all newly hired employees in KGHM entities. All materials and instructions are readily available to Employees on the corporate Intranet site via a dedicated tab devoted to ethics and corruption prevention.
Regular meetings and training sessions are also organized for the Ethics and Anticorruption Representatives (40 persons). In 2022, 9 such training sessions were held in the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group in the scope of implementation of the AMS compliant with PN-ISO 37001.
In February 2022, due to the implementation of the Anticorruption Management System and introduction of new regulations, the e-learning courses on ethics, prevention of irregularities in the company (in particular corruption, abuse, discrimination) and accepting reports from Whistleblowers, which had been in force until then, were suspended. In 2022, activities aimed at creating a new online course, scheduled to be launched in the second quarter of 2023, were carried out.
GRI indicator | Issue | KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. | KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group |
205-1 | Number of plants assessed for corruption risks | 11 | 128 |
205-2 | Number of members of supervisory bodies informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 10 | 105 |
Management Board – number of persons informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 5 | 64 | |
Senior management – number of persons informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 29 | 157 | |
Management staff – number of persons informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 683 | 1311 | |
White-collar workers – number of persons informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 4,426 | 8,287 | |
Blue-collar workers – number of persons informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 13,235 | 20,702 | |
Number of members of supervisory bodies trained in the scope of corruption prevention | 0 | 65 | |
Management Board – number of persons trained in corruption prevention | 0 | 46 | |
Senior management – number of persons trained in corruption prevention | 29 | 124 | |
Management staff – number of persons trained in corruption prevention | 683 | 1,172 | |
White-collar workers – number of persons trained in corruption prevention | 4,426 | 6,624 | |
Blue-collar workers – number of persons trained in corruption prevention | 13,235 | 18,300 | |
Number of business partners (customers/counterparties) informed about anticorruption policies and procedures | 2,334 | 16,925 | |
205-3 | Number of corruption cases resulting in dismissal or disciplinary punishment | 0 | 218 |
Number of corruption cases concluded with the refusal to renew contracts with business partners due to breach of corruption rules | 1 | 1 | |
Number of corruption cases concluded with court proceedings regarding corrupt practices | 0 | 0 |