Shareholders are entitled to exercise their voting rights either personally or through a proxy. The authority to participate in a General Meeting and to exercise voting rights should be granted in writing or in electronic form. Shareholders shall inform the Company of the granting of proxy authority in electronic form by filling out and sending to the Company the form placed on the website of the Company, or other information containing analogous data, no later than 24 hours prior to the planned date of the General Meeting.
Shareholders and their rights

Shareholders of the Company exercise their rights in a manner and within the limits prescribed by prevailing law, the Statutes of the Company and the Bylaws of the General Meeting of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Pursuant to the Company’s Statutes, all of the shares are bearer shares, and their transformation into registered shares is not allowed. Each share represents one vote. The shares of the Company may be redeemed given shareholder consent through their acquisition by the Company (voluntary redemption). Redemption may not be carried out more than once per financial year. The resolution of the General Meeting on the redemption of shares should especially describe the legal basis for redemption, the amount of compensation to be paid to the shareholder for the redeemed shares or the justification for redeeming shares without compensation, and the way in which the share capital will be decreased. The resolution on the redemption of shares may be preceded by an agreement with the shareholder whose shares are to be redeemed. The agreement shall set forth the number of shares to be redeemed and the price for which the shares are to be purchased. The validity of the agreement shall depend on the passage of a resolution by the General Meeting.

Moreover, in a situation where the Supervisory Board conducts qualification proceedings in the case of the existence of circumstances justifying the appointment of a Member of the Management Board, it shall inform shareholders of the results of such proceedings and shall provide the minutes of the qualification proceedings. The Supervisory Board is also obliged to annually present to the Ordinary General Meeting a concise assessment of the standing of the Company, which should be included in the Company’s annual report, made available to shareholders within such a time period as to allow them to review the report prior to the Ordinary General Meeting.
There is no limitation to the transfer of ownership rights to the shares of the Company or with respect to the execution of voting rights on the shares of the Company, other than those generally prescribed by laws in force.
The Company has not issued securities which would grant special control rights in respect of the Company.
Special rights held by the State Treasury as a shareholder may result however from laws generally in force, among others:
- The Act of 16 December 2016 on the principles of state property management,
- The Act of 24 July 2015 on audits of certain investments.
- to request to convene a General Meeting – in cases described by the Commercial Companies and Partnerships Code, a General Meeting may be convened by shareholders representing at least half of the share capital or shareholders authorised by a court of registration to represent at least one-twentieth of the share capital;
- to announce draft resolutions and their justification – Shareholders may utilise electronic contact with the Company through the Company’s website, in particular to enable the submission of motions to include specific issues in the agenda of the General Meeting, to announce draft resolutions and their justification. Towards this end it is necessary to carry out the prior authentication of a shareholders for their identification, in the manner indicated by the Company on its website. The Company shall also provide on its website the proxy form and the form to facilitate voting through a proxy;
- to convene a General Meetings – the Polish State Treasury as a shareholder may convene an Ordinary General Meeting if the Management Board does not do so in the statutory timeframe as well as an Extraordinary General Meeting if it considers its convening as warranted;
- to request that a matter included in the agenda of the General Meeting be removed or not considered – removal of an issue from the agenda, or not considering an issue placed on the agenda at the request of the shareholders, requires the adoption of a resolution by the General Meeting, following the earlier-expressed approval of all shareholders present who had put forward such a proposal, and supported by at least 75% of the votes cast;
- to request the inclusion of specified matters on the agenda of the next General Meeting – shareholders representing at least one-twentieth of the share capital may order the inclusion of specified matters on the agenda of the next General Meeting.
- to announce candidates for Chairperson of the General Meeting – the General Meeting shall carry out an election of the Chairperson from amongst any number of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting who are put forward by shareholders as a candidate for Chairperson;
- participation in dividends – the General Meeting may designate part of the profit for a shareholders’ dividend if the General Meeting of the Company had adopted a decision to designate part of the profit for a shareholders’ dividend. The Management Board of the Company is authorised, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to adopt resolutions in the matter of an interim payment to shareholders on the anticipated dividend at the end of the financial year, if the Company is in the possession of sufficient funds for said payment. The rights date for dividends and the date for payment of dividends shall be set by the General Meeting and announced by the Management Board of the Company. Payment of dividends should commence within two months of the date the resolution on appropriation of profits is adopted. The payment of an interim dividend requires the approval of the Supervisory Board. The Company may make an interim payment on the anticipated dividend, if its approved financial statements for the prior financial year show a profit. The interim dividend may represent at most half of the profit earned since the end of the prior financial year, as shown in the financial statements audited by a certified auditor, and increased by the reserve capitals created from profit, which, for the purpose of payment of the interim dividend, may be used by the Management Board, and decreased by uncovered losses and treasury shares;
- upon the motion of a shareholder representing at least one-fifth of the share capital, group elections for the Supervisory Board shall be carried out at the nearest General Meeting. A motion to hold group elections for members of the Supervisory Board should be submitted to the Management Board of the Company, in sufficient time to include it in the agenda of the General Meeting;
- at the request of a shareholder representing at least one-twentieth of the share capital, the General Meeting may carry out elections for a three-person Voting Committee, from among those candidates put forward by the participants of the General Meeting. Should a Voting Committee be elected, its responsibilities shall include supervision to ensure that all voting is properly carried out, supervision of the electronic voting system, and checking and transmitting to the Chairman of the General Meeting the results of voting. The Voting Committee shall have the right to review the results of voting which was held prior to the election of the Voting Committee;
- at the request of a shareholder, the Management Board shall be required to provide the shareholder with a copy of the Bylaws of the General Meeting.