Organised in cooperation with the Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper. The first conference was dedicated to the aid for refugees from Ukraine. The meeting summarised the cooperation between the Company and local governments and NGOs in the scope of provided support and aid actions. Another conference on “Financial management strategies in local government units” focused on the principles of financing tasks or raising funds from external sources and the adaptation of KGHM and local governments to the challenges related to the implementation of the so-called European Green Deal. The third meeting, “KGHM for local governments” referred to the cooperation with the municipalities and districts of the Copper Basin. During the most recent conference on “Energy efficiency in local government units”, the focus was on discussing the organisational and technical solutions for local governments, with particular emphasis on the ESCO model related to the financial support for investment. It also offered an opportunity for KGHM experts to present the assumptions and objectives of the Company’s Climate Policy.

KGHM conducts activities under the slogan of “Good neighbour and trustworthy investor”. It supports local communities, social organizations and institutions related to science, culture and sport.
It promotes an active lifestyle and helps people in need. One of the pillars of our efforts in the area of corporate social responsibility is the KGHM Polska Miedź Foundation which is engaged in pro publico bono and charitable activities. It helps in performance of socially useful projects, and it supports the people who are experiencing hardships.
In relations with the social and economic environment, one of the most important activities is the dialogue with local governments and communities located in areas where KGHM’s activities may have an impact. The Copper Basin and the Lower Silesia region are particularly important to KGHM, as this is where the company has its strongest economic ties and its social commitment is greatest.

Key social stakeholders for KGHM include:
For many years, KGHM’s activities have been focused on active participation in the life of local communities and the broadly defined social environment. An important role is also to be an animator of social life and to carry out a number of programs in this regard, including programs promoting health, sports, culture, education or environmental hazards prevention projects.
The expenditure incurred by the Company to support culture in 2022 amounted to PLN 10,504,491.20. The Company supported sports initiatives in the amount of PLN 37,086,234.62.
In 2022, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. made a financial donation to the KGHM Polska Miedź Foundation for statutory purposes in the amount of PLN 42,000,000, and to Group companies in the total amount of PLN 253,000.
Supporting the Foundation is one of the priorities of the cooperation with social organisations. However, it is worth mentioning that the Company also supports numerous industry organisations by being their member. The amount of contributions paid by KGHM in 2022 to organisations where the membership is optional was PLN 14,792,997.33.

Cooperation with local governments
The ongoing cooperation with local governments is diverse and is carried out in several dimensions – from substantive to financial support.
Key initiatives in 2022:

During which an intersectoral dialogue was held with representatives of local government authorities and non-governmental organisations, discussing, among others: proposals for joint initiatives in socially important areas, including prevention activities in such areas of support as: mental health of the region’s residents, risky behaviour of children and young people or family foster care.

KGHM allocated PLN 3.5 million overall for, among others, the modernisation of village community centres, the retrofitting of playgrounds or projects related to the implementation of preventive healthcare. In the municipality of Rudna, financial support from KGHM enabled the purchase of a transport ambulance. A number of health checks in endocrinology, nephrology or eye examinations were successfully carried out in Głogów. The Kotla municipality purchased equipment for playgrounds and sports and recreation areas for inhabitants. In Legnica, on the other hand, the “My Seventh Heaven” campaign was conducted, supporting a healthy lifestyle and promoting outdoor activity. In the municipality of Lubin, chess classes for children and environmental protection education lessons were continued. In the municipality of Jerzmanowa, swimming pool trips for primary school children were subsidised.

Cooperation with local communities
In its social activities, KGHM strives to build synergies to ensure that its initiatives create value for different stakeholder groups. Accordingly, in 2022 the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group undertook a number of family-friendly initiatives targeting employees and the local community. In 2022, pro publico bono activities were carried out by all Group companies. Most of them carried out both activities as an exercise of responsibility towards the society and projects within the framework of building cooperation with local communities in the locations where the Group’s companies operate.
Key initiatives in 2022:
(Wonderful parents of KGHM) program has been in place since 2020, and is a form of appreciation of the employees to whom a child is born or who adopt a child: each of them receives special congratulations and gifts. It is an expression of the company’s appreciation of the demanding role of parents. In 2022, we donated packages to 457 KGHM employees. The initiative was also continued in one of the Copper Basin towns (Głogów).

KGHM employees may take advantage of one-day workshops for mothers and fathers, which help strengthen parenting skills and deepen the parent-child relationship. These activities were complemented by the opportunity to participate in the annual fathers’ forum organised by

Organized on the occasion of the International Day of Families, the 2022 edition of which included a family festival for employees and their families, numerous competitions and the publication of a brochure. The campaign affected 18,500 employees of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and 18 companies of the KGHM Group.

(Have a Family) social campaign was a continuation and strengthening of the activities that started in 2019. The goal of the campaign is to change the perception of foster care in the Legnica and Głogów Copper District and increase the number of candidates for foster parents. In 2022, these activities included cooperation with institutions responsible for family foster care was deepened and a number of activities aimed at promoting foster parenthood were carried out.

Another edition of the NGO Academy was held in 2022 to subsidise training for partnering NGOs.

More than 8,000 students, 5,000 parents and about 1 000 teachers participated in the programs.

Within the framework of which a number of activities were carried out to support mental health. In addition, nine projects carried out in this area by non-governmental organisations in the Copper Basin were subsidised. Psychological support for KGHM employees and their families was also introduced. In 2022, more than 8,000 people benefited from professional assistance and free consultations helped to save relationships and families and allowed to take care of the well-being of KGHM employees, their relatives and residents of the Copper Basin.

For local governments and their subordinate institutions, under which free e-subscriptions of selected magazines were provided to libraries and schools in the Copper Basin.

12 editions of parenting workshops were conducted among KGHM Group employees, while parents from the Copper Basin participated in 25 editions of the School for Parents and Educators and other family-friendly initiatives.

The investment was implemented thanks to the financial support of KGHM, its foundation and the Marshal’s Office. New additions to the ward included a modern diagnostic laboratory and an 22 more beds for patients.

The app is a unique tourist guide to the Copper Basin with suggestions for tourist routes and more than 270 sites on the map to visit; it has been developed in cooperation with local governments. The aim of the application is to promote active lifestyles and expand the knowledge of Copper Basin residents on local tourist attractions. Among other things, new routes were added in 2022, some of which were created by employees of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. as part of a holiday competition. The application currently contains 33 routes, and more than 380 points on the map, including places directly related to Polish Copper.

Activities related to social responsibility and cooperation with local communities | Company |
Collections, donations, charity events for Ukrainian refugees | Majority of KGHM Group companies |
Collections, donations, charity events for the local community | Majority of KGHM Group companies |
Initiatives for families and children | Majority of KGHM Group companies |
Initiatives to promote science, technology, sport and recreation, including:
Majority of KGHM Group companies |
Participation in local opinion-making and advisory bodies for sustainable development and others | Nitroerg S.A. in particular |
International companies of KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. and Sierra Gorda S.C.M. |