- Training system – KGHM considers two sources of information in the process of designing it and setting its direction. The first source is the Company’s strategy, from which the key competencies necessary for its implementation are derived, and the second is an analysis of the competencies already present in the company. Employees are offered both open and closed training. In addition to competence training for various personnel levels, KGHM subsidizes and finances education, including postgraduate studies. For more information on training, see the Training and development subsection of this report.
- Newsletter for Leaders, which presents key topics for managers, especially those in line management positions in the production area.

KGHM takes a responsible approach to the management of human resources. It creates opportunities for its employees to work in specialized project teams, which allows them to share their knowledge and experience within the company’s structures.
Additionally, as a global organization, KGHM enables its personnel to use the latest technologies and solutions. In managing its human resources, the company considers both global and local perspectives and makes decisions based on existing needs.
The company demonstrates its commitment to its employees through various human resource management initiatives.
Key activities in 2022
– work has begun on an electronic process to manage the onboarding of new employees
- Employer branding activities are ongoing and extensive. They include, among others, classifieds in the local and national press as well as communication related to the most sought-after professions and skills. KGHM actively participates in job fairs and labour market conferences. As part of its employer branding activities, KGHM also communicates the benefits offered by the Group. The #KGHM Lovers project launched in 2021 was continued in 2022 with the aim of developing Employer Advocacy skills, i.e. building the employer’s image on social media by promoting the personal brands of managers.
- The “Competent in the Sector” program, under which, since 2018, KGHM has been training people in the professions most relevant to Lower Silesia and critical for the company. 9 schools from Legnica, Bolesławiec, Lubin, Chojnów, Polkowice and Głogów take part in this project. In the school year 2021/2022, more than 1,900 students attended classes and 250 received practical vocational training in 9 divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The program also includes academic scholarships for the best students, with PLN 603,000 paid out since the beginning of the program. PLN 693,533 has been transferred to furnish school workshops and classrooms for teaching professional subjects. So far, 312 graduates taking part in the Program have found employment in Divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A..
In the 2021/2022 school year, a conference titled “Everything begins from a Master” was organised under the Program. It was addressed to instructors of practical vocational training and teachers of vocational subjects from participating schools; the event was attended by 150 people. Additionally, “Practically with the Master!” workshops were held, where the main directions for the development of the Program were developed, as well as an away event “On the Road with the Master vol. 1”, which focused on the topic of motivating young people to professional activity. For students of the patronage classes, the „Competent PogChamp” event was organized, encouraging the participants to be physically active and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Materials promoting the program were developed and distributed to eighth grade elementary school students, and “Lessons with a Master” were organized for them. Internship programs were also developed for all KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. divisions.
KGHM is taking steps to make the daily interaction with employees as intuitive, simple and efficient as possible. The Company wants to move many of its processes to self-service.
- In 2022, numerous improvements were made to the processes for handling workstation work cards, the performance management process, and to the eDelegacje application for managing domestic, international, and local business trips. Improvements were also made to the eRekrutacje system, the organization of apprenticeships, practical training and student internships, and the provision of materials for thesis writing, which is carried out in the eKariera system.
- In connection with the implementation of a new working environment based on MS 365 in 2022, an extensive development program for KGHM employees and managers has been launched. Activities are designed to develop skills that enable effective operation of available applications.
- Since the beginning of 2022, work has been underway on the electronic onboarding of newly hired employees through the implementation of Onboarding courses placed on the Learning Management System 365.

- KGHM takes many steps to promote employee well-being, including, among others:
- psychological assistance in the form of individual sessions, family therapy, couples therapy, parenting counselling and supervision for managers – this benefit is available to all employees and their families.
- campaigns to promote a healthy life style
- pro-family and pro-employee projects, including “Amazing Parents”, a series of workshops for dads and mums, workshops to improve parenting skills
- support for employee interests, including sports and the arts

Trade unions
Employees are represented by trade unions, which to some extent intermediate communication with the employees. They are active in the majority of companies of the KGHM Group in Poland. In 2022, discussions with the trade unions included salaries, bonus rules, terms of employment, working conditions and social issues. In most cases, the talks ended in the execution of agreements, signing addenda to the Company Collective Bargaining Agreements and amendments to the remuneration rules.