The company continuously monitors working environments and conducts periodic reviews and potential threat assessments, as well as reviews of equipment and required technical checks and approvals. All employees are introduced to the risk assessment for their workplaces and undergo systematic training and continually enhance their qualifications. The company has procedures in place for identifying incidents and mitigating hazardous situations. The company promptly implements new regulations and legal requirements in the area of occupational health and safety. The company also actively participates in the work of agendas of various entities with the aim of development of best practices and behaviours in the area of occupational health and safety in the mining and processing industry.

The life and health of employees and workplace safety in general is the top value for the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group. For several years the Company has been implementing its vision of “Zero accidents due to human and technical errors, zero occupational illnesses among our employees and contractors”.
The Company has high occupational safety and health standards confirmed by ISO 45001:2018 certificate, which apply equally to its employees and the employees of other service providers operating on the premises of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
An ongoing assessment of occupational safety in the Company is made at weekly meetings of the Vice President of the Management Board (Production) and at monthly meetings of the Management Board with the management of all the divisions. The company also organises regular meetings with the mining supervisory authorities and representatives of the Chief Labour Inspectorate, which are attended by social labour inspectors representing employees from individual divisions. Company Occupational Health and Safety Commissions operate in each plant of the company.
In numerous operational, periodic and specialised training courses, as well as using many communication channels operating in the Company, information on occupational risks at workplaces, occupational safety and industrial hygiene is presented on an ongoing basis.