Human capital

Human capital is an extremely important asset for the KGHM Polska Miedź Group.
It is constituted by the competence, capabilities and experience of the Group’s employees, as well as their motivation to innovate. Within the framework of this capital, the Group considers alignment and support of organizational management concepts, approaches to risk management (including occupational health and safety) and ethical values, the ability to understand, develop and implement strategy in the organization, and loyalty and motivation to improve the processes, goods and services, including the ability to lead, manage and collaborate.
No. | Indicator name | Value | |
31.12.2021 | 31.12.2022 | ||
1 | Headcount | 34 286 | 34 478 |
3 | LTIRFKGHM (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate KGHM) | 5.6 | 5.1 |
4 | TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate)1 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
5 | Accident rate | 6.1 | 7.2 |
7 | Increase/decrease in average headcount [%] | 0.5% | 0.9% |
8 | Average number of training hours per employee [hours] | 19.7 | 20.3 |
Highlights of human capital management in 2022 in the context of 2021:
In 2022, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and other Group companies carried out a number of interesting HR projects, including OHS. Some of them resulted from legal indications, while the vast majority were carried out additionally, as the Group’s own unique package of activities to motivate and increase employee satisfaction. Among them, special attention should be paid to the following:
- „Competent in the Sector” program (support for 9 schools from Lower Silesia),
- digitalization of HR processes (introduction of a number of improvements aimed primarily at speeding up and facilitating processes related to handling job cards, business trips and recruitment processes),
- newsletter for Leaders,
- engagement survey (71.6% of employees participated),
- psychological support for employees,
- InvestCUp (improving and consolidating existing competencies, ensuring the exchange of experience and best practices in the implementation of investment projects),
- Executive MBA in Innovation Management Development Program (together with IESE Business School),
- Copper Leaders postgraduate studies (second edition of the studies),
- KGHM Giants Leader Academy (first edition of the studies),
- onboarding training program for new employees,
- career and recruitment management,
- Intranet and Extranet (internal portals for employees),
- KGHM TV (KGHM’s internal television),
- CUrier (KGHM’s internal newspaper),
- e-learning courses,
- material and social support financed from the Company Social Benefits Fund,
- prevention of natural hazards,
- OHS policy based on the golden rules of OHS (taking into account the role of the Occupational Safety Council of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.), including: a system to prevent machine-human-machine and machine-machine collisions in mines, structural changes to machinery aimed at reducing the exposure of operators to harmful factors in the work environment, to improve visibility, or to eliminate the number of workers staying directly in high-risk zones, the construction of modern systems for monitoring seismic activity, the condition of the rock mass or water hazards, new solutions in the field of individual protection equipment for employees, technical and organizational solutions to ensure appropriate working conditions in relation to climate risks, changing the habits of employees using various communication channels and forms of communication, including (OHS Vortal, social profiles in which KGHM participates, CCTV, didactic emails, traditional publications (articles, posters, information fiches, cyclical training – minutes for OHS, behavioural audits, cross audits, employee initiative systems, OHS alert – contact boxes). In addition to the above, cooperation with domestic and international academic institutions and opinion makers was engaged in, among others participation in work on new EU regulations regarding hygienic and biological standards, in particular for metals and fumes from diesel engines; in cooperation with the State Labour Inspectorate, the first national Polish conference called „Diesel engine fumes in underground mining based on the experience of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.” was organised. In addition, participation in interdisciplinary work and international problem teams.